Henin Realty


If you are buying or selling a company, we can help!

Henin Realty is part of the BBF (Business Brokers of Florida) and is assisting Buyers and Sellers in the purchase and sale of existing businesses and their related assets.

We research and identify the right buyer(s)/seller(s) for your business as well as manage the entire transaction, to get the deal done correctly, professionally, confidentially and with maximum protection to you.

We take care of Business Valuations, Appraisals, Equipment Valuations, Market Analysis, with access to high level of timely accurate market knowledge.

Business Brokerage | Commercial Realty | Franchise Sales & Consulting

Our Brokers and Sales Associates are engaged as/in Seller’s Agent, Buyer’s Agent, Site Selection, Tenant Representation, Business Evaluations and Growth Planning.

The potential sale and all communication will be kept strictly confidential!